Encouraging Words
Hey friends, Today is the last day for the Georgia Hospital Association Meeting and as I pack up the last few items and we head toward the airport, I wanted to share a few encouraging words with you. Earlier this morning Tom and I attended the GHA annual prayer breakfast.
We were encouraged to celebrate the great and wonderful things the Lord is doing in all our lives and to be diligent to encourage one another.
Here are just 2 verses that were shared this morning.
Col 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it will all your heart, as working for the Lord and not men."
This verse is a strong reminder to me to keep my eyes focused on the Lord no matter what work HE is calling me to, even if I "feel" like my tasks may be, ordinary, menial or even go unnoticed.

Luke 10:33-34 " But a Samaritan as he traveled came where the man was and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He want to him, bandaged his wounds pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn and took care of him."
Ministering to those the Lord puts in our pathway (More about these verses in a future post).

Yes, this meeting is about healthcare, it's triumphs, struggles and opportunities, but this prayer breakfast was also a glimpse into the heart and vision of the leadership of the GHA.
What a joy to hear men and women of faith share the Lord's grace and provision as they serve their communities through the vehicle of healthcare. 

I hope you will be reminded to celebrate the great and wonderful things the Lord is doing in your life, even if you can't see it, feel it, taste it, or touch it.


Blogger Oh Dear said...

I have totally learned that this week! A EGR (Extra Grace Required) person moved close to me. I was not so sure about it and knew that God had a lesson for me. Come to find out-she is lonely, scared, and has so much change occuring in her life that she is overwhelmed. So I have began to look at her with different eyes and have been so blessed. We may just end up friends!

BTW-posted a little celebration video for all of the clutter we have rid ourselves of! Thought you might get a kick out of it! Thanks for the extra nudge in that area as well....ahhhh...less IS more!

Blogger Chef Diane said...

Hey there Zoe,

Let's see you are returning from a hotel so you are dust free. flat ironed and looking good, right? lololo

"I hope you will be reminded to celebrate the great and wonderful things the Lord is doing in your life, even if you can't see it, feel it, taste it, or touch it."

I am feeling you girlfriend isn't that what we call "faith". I am seeing that even in the roughest storms, I can celebrate the wind and rain.
Can't wait to hear about the remodel.

Blogger Joyful said...

Zoe, thanks for this encouragement.

I have to admit that upon first reading my initial response was, "Well, I wish the people in OUR health care system lived by these verses!!!" I know...I know...I'm only responsible for MY actions...and I need to be the one applying these truths to MY life, not worrying about others. I guess my journey since March 3rd with the Health Care system has made me skeptical. I hate that. I think I have areas where I still need to extend grace and forgiveness.

Sending hugs to you,

Blogger Julie Zine Coleman said...

I just had a discussion at lunch today with a young musician who shared he had to learn that God was not calling him to be "the best", but calling him to be "his best." Huge difference. And one I need to remind myself of time to time. Whatever we do-- do with all our heart. I love that verse and have it on my office wall. God wants the best from us. But it is a group effort and our efforts at using our gifts are to build the church, not our self-image or ego.

Good to see you back online. I have missed you!!

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